Consul Network Infrastructure Automation with Palo Alto in GCP
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In this build, you will deploy a common set of PAN-OS VM-Series firewalls to to build a secure Google Cloud hub and spoke network
- internet inbound
- internet outbound
- east-west traffic
The build shows how traffic flows through the VM-Series firewalls and load balancers.
Event Driven Architecture
- Workloads, services are registered into a central registry (Consul)
- Based on metadata, Consul will execute Terraform to configure network & security devices
- Network team manages the Terrafrom code that would configure network & security devices.
Important Information
- Do not use this build for any production environments. The build should only be used for learning and/or for proof-of-concept scenarios.
- The terraform.tfvars sets the VM-Series license to pay-as-you-go bundle2. This means there is an additional charge on top of the compute running cost. Please see VM-Series licensing for more information.
- Review the VM-Series hub-and-spoke architecture using VPC network peering.
- Build the environment using Terraform.
- Deploy Consul Terraform Sync
- Deploy an event-driven architecture that automatically updates address-groups on a PAN device.
- Validate Consul Terraform Sync by making changes to the app,api,web and watch Consul Terraform Sync automatically updates the PAN Address groups.
- Validate and visualize internet inbound, internet outbound, and east-west (VPC to VPC) traffic through Google Cloud load balancers and the VM-Series firewalls.
Below is the network topology of the build. Everything in the diagram is built with Terraform, including the local configuration of the compute resources. All traffic to/from the spoke VPC networks flows through the VM-Series firewalls for inspection. The VM-Series network interfaces are attached to the management, untrust, and trust networks. All cloud workloads that are protected by the VM-Series are deployed in the spoke networks which are VPC peers with the trust network.
- GCP Account
- Install gcloud CLI
- Create a new GCP Project
- Enable Compute API
- Create a service account
- Note.. in both 01-infr and 02-apps I upload my service account under the /cred folder, you will need to do that.
Part 1 — Deploy Infrastructure
note: it takes about 10 min for PAN to spin up.. so wait until you access it before you continue to deploy the apps
- Open Google cloud shell.
- In cloud shell, copy and paste the following to enable the required APIs, create an SSH key, and to clone the Github repository.
gcloud services enable
ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/gcp-consuldemo -t rsa -C gcp-consuldemo
git clone
cd gcp-terraform-consul-nia/01-infra/
If you are using a SSH key that is not ~/.ssh/gcp-consuldemo, you must modify the public_key_path value in the terraform.tfvars file.
- Initialize and apply the Terraform plan.
terraform init
terraform apply
- Verify the apply output. Enter
to start the build.
When the build completes, the following output will be generated.
Apply complete! Resources: 66 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
Outputs:ext_lb_url = ""
google_compute_zones = "us-central1-a"
project_id = "tf-gcp-373822"
region = "us-central1"
spoke_vm_image = ""
spoke_vm_scopes = tolist([
spoke_vm_type = "f1-micro"
spoke_vm_type2 = "n1-standard-2"
spoke_vm_user = "paloalto"
ss_subnets_self_links0 = ""
ssh_to_spoke2 = "ssh paloalto@"
vmseries01_access = ""
vpc_spoke1_network_id = "projects/tf-gcp-interview-373822/global/networks/spoke1-vpc"
** note: it takes about 10 min for PAN to spin up.. so wait until you access it before you continue to deploy the apps **
Username: paloalto
Password: Pal0Alt0@123
Part 2 — Deploy Infrastructure
Since we are deploying the PAN as our Security Hub/Gateway it needs to be fully online before we start the next phase or the apps won’t be able to get access to the internet and download the required code/repositories.
- Verify you can log into the GUI of the Palo Alto Device https://vmseries01_access
- Log into the 02-infra folder
- Initialize and apply the Terraform plan.
terraform init
terraform apply
- Verify the apply output. Enter
to start the build. - When the build completes, it will output the http://consul:8200 GUI
- Log into the consul server and wait for the following services to be online (consul, consul-terraform-sync, api, web, ssh, app)
- Log into the Pan Firewall and verify that the following address groups have 1 IP in them (cts-add-grp-web,cts-add-grp-api, cts-add-grp-ssh and cts-add-grp-app)
The following consul-terraform-sync module automatically updated the pan-address-groups based on the health and availability of the service. So as services spin up and down, and if they registerd to Consul catalog. Consul-Terraform-Sync will automatically make updates to the pan to reflect what the source of truth is in the Consul catalog.
Part 3 — See Consul-Terraform-Sync in Action
Now that you have seen a little bit of magic, the next step is to scale the app,api and web and see the potential of an event-driven architecture with consul terraform sync.
- Edit the terraform.tfvars and update the desired count of the following services
web_count = "1"
app_count = "1"
api_count = "1"
- Save the file
- Initialize and apply the Terraform plan.
terraform init
terraform apply
- Verify the apply output. Enter
to start the build. - Once you see the new service spin up they will register to Consul
- Once the service health check goes Green, consul terraform sync will automatically update the PAN Address-groups with the new IPs
Note: feel free to add and remove and see the entire thing in action.